We love spring. It's a time of rejuvenation, allowing us to finally break out of those winter blues and enjoy nature with all the beauty it brings. It's also a time to assess your landscaping. But where, oh where to start? On the next 60-degree day we have, start with our favorite tips.
Break out the rake. Start your spring lawn prep by using a rake to remove any leaves and other garden debris that have accumulated over winter. This will instantly make your yard look better.
Prune your plants, weed your weeds. Getting rid of any broken or dead limbs will keep them healthy and prepare them for any fertilizing you want to do. If you have perennials, cut them down and add them to your compost pile.
Stay sharp. When was the last time you sharpened or replaced your lawn mower blades? Dull blades will rip and pull your grass, rather than cut it, making your lawn more susceptible to disease and water loss.
Check the pH of your soil. Lawn care is both an art and a science. Soil that has the proper balance of nutrients is not only appealing, it can also be less expensive to maintain through fertilizers and other growth agents.
Do something different this year. Create a focal point, or include some interesting pieces that have color in your garden. A cozy seating area, or a sculpture, or even a cool wheelbarrow with planted annuals will level-up your space.
